Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam (LMHS)
Terms and conditions

This document specifies the terms and conditions of memberships and event registration involving payment.


The member is advised to read the whole of this agreement carefully.

The agreement is between Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam and you (the member).

Other terms & conditions may apply,

1.1. Membership is open to individuals who apply to the Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam in the form online; right of membership is decided by the Executive Committee

1.2. Submission of a membership application form online by the member to Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam to become a member of the Samajam subject to the terms and conditions of this contract

1.3. Anybody who registers onto Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam’s database and agrees to pay a monthly subscription is considered a full member.

1.4. Upon joining Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam, the member consents to having his/her photograph taken by Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam

1.5. By virtually signing the form, the member agrees to the Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam’s privacy Policy and data protection policy to collect their personal information such as address, age, DoB etc but not limited, from time to time for the purpose of keeping membership records and database.

1.6. Any other member of the public may join the Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam as an ‘affiliate member’ at the discretion of the Executive Committee. They are free to attend and engage in Samajam events subject to the rules and traditions of the Samajam but have no voting rights conferred upon them.

1.7 Membership is yearly (1st April to 31st March, according to the Malayalam New Year Vishu) and each family should pay £10 monthly towards the general operational costs of LMHS

1.8. Membership/Subscription fees will be refunded if in any case a member wants to quit the membership and will be processed within 3-5 working days.

1.9. Event or Classes if for any reason needs to be cancelled as the member cannot participate needs to be informed to Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam in advance atleast 3 days prior and then we can process the refund applicable upon satisfactory review from us.

2.0 Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam always uses many hired venues for its purpose of conducting Bhajans, Events and classes. It is the responsibility of each of the members to protect and be mindful to the rules and regulations of each of these venues so that it will not cause any displeasure between the venue management and Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam.

These rules are to ensure that all members enjoy their experience with Liverpool Malayali Hindu Samajam.